Close Custody

To further address issues around single points of protocol failure, Hedgemony incorporates a robust account abstraction framework for close custody — maintenance of self-custody and localized control of active Positions assets. All users enroll with this framework as they open their first Position with Hedgemony. Through the enrollment, an individual contract account is generated for each user. Contracts receive trading and delegation privileges for all assets therein, in order for the protocol to facilitate Position requests. By default Hedgemony will enable all tokens to eliminate any token approval related friction altogether; however, users can adjust and prune these approvals at any time based on their needs.

The relationship between users and their underlying assets in this configuration is akin to a revocable trust with user as both grantor and beneficiary and Hedgemony as trustee — a decentralized entity that is contractually obligated to amend, extend, or nullify a Position ONLY according to the user's immediate requests.

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