Glossary of Key Terms
Key terminology and definitions in the Hedgemony ecosystem
Account Abstraction
- a smart contract enabled user account, that is designed to alleviate friction and optimize functionalityAMM
- automated market makerCondition
- a requirement (price, value, percentage, etc) that must be met in order for a strategy to execute an action on an asset or group of assetsDEX
- decentralized exchangeDistribution Contract
- delegates the fees collected by the Hedgemony router contract to their respective placesDLOB
- decentralized limit order book (on-chain implementation of a conventional limit order book)EOA
- externally owned accountHEDGE
Staking Contract - locks HEDGE and mints mHEDGE to user accountsHedgemony Explorer
- proprietary ledger for tracking strategy history and metricsHedgemony Interface
- A series of front ends that give users access to the functionality of the Hedgemony protocolMulti-Swap
- simultaneous swap function which trades more than one asset in a single transactionPosition
- the current state of users funds as dictated by the overarching strategyRewards Contract
- pays out the HEDGE rewards pertaining to positions, strategy ownership, and mHEDGE` holdersRouter Contract
- routes assets in and out of an aggregated DEX network to facilitate user swapsStraight Swap
- executing a trade on Hedgemony without opening a positionStrategy
- a user or protocol owned set of fixed rules that are imposed on assets within an open position, owner is entitled to revenueTreasury
- the contract which holds protocol owned assetsYield Layer Contract
- re-delegates position assets into external yield protocol contracts