Fee Structure

The following user interactions with the Hedgemony protocol incur fees, listed with their respective percentages:

  • Opening Positions Pay 0.2 - 0.5% fee. Fee varies based on the type of strategy that is adopted or created.

    • Static strategy: 0.2%

    • Static strategy involving yield layer: 0.35%

    • Dynamic strategy (with or without yield layer): 0.5%

    Proceeds are divided between the protocol and the Strategy owner (if applicable)

  • Changing Positions 0.35% fee. Same conditions as specified under "Opening Positions" apply

  • Publishing Strategies No direct cost; however, users must hold mHEDGE in order to publish Strategies. By holding an increased amount of mHEDGE, users can create a larger number of Strategies and earn a higher share of fees from adopting users. See VIP Tier Schedule

  • Yield Opportunities No charge to delegate to them aside from the Position creation fee above; however, there is a 5% performance fee deducted from any yield the user earns.

  • Straight Swaps

    • Single assets trades - Free

    • Multi assets trades involving:

      • 2 - 3 assets: 0.05% per asset

      • 4 - 6 assets: 0.08% per asset

      • 7 - 9 assets: 0.12% per asset

      • 10 - 20 assets: 0.17% per asset

      • 21 + assets: -.2% per asset

      (Once the minimum asset quantity is reached, this percentage is applied to all assets in the swap, e.g., in an eight asset multi-swap, all eight assets are charged a 0.12% fee)

  • Telegram Front End

    • Basic market swap: 0.25%

    • Multi asset trades: same as above + 0.1%

    • Limit orders: 0.4%

    • Dynamic DCA strategy: 0.6%

Last updated