Swap Types Comparison
Understanding the differences between Straight Swaps and Position Generating Swaps
Straight Swaps vs. Position Generating Swaps
Straight Swaps
Straight Swap Overview:
- Easiest, most fluid interaction * Swap any asset to any asset, including standard 1 to 1 swaps (no asset limitations) * Only for market orders, no limit orders or programmatic orders are allowed * No enrollment / contract account is necessary * No $HEDGE yield is earned * Cannot use yield layer to access additional yield opportunity on partner ecosystems * Cannot publish strategies and earn * No referral network opportunities
Position Generating Swaps
Position Generating Swap Overview:
- Supports both standard 1 to 1 swaps and Multi-Swaps with some limitations * Limit orders, or other programmatic orders are only possible by creating a position * Must create a contract account through the brief enrollment process
- $HEDGE yield is earned * May use yield layer to earn additional yield or fine tune a hedge * If holding mHEDGE, may publish strategies when opening positions and earn additional yield from others who adopt them * Ability to start or participate in referral network opportunities